
Once there was a pregnant lady. She needed to cross lake. Then an old woman appeared and the pregnant lady said, “ Grandma, where is the bridge for this lake?” The old woman stared at the lady’s stomach, then said, “ There is no bridge for this. You have to take a boat to get across.”
Then a few boats came from the distance. The young lady smiled.
“ Today’s weather is not good. The wind is blowing hard and its cold. You are pregnant and if you go on a boat its to dangerous. I think you better change your plans.” said the old lady.
“ But I have to go!”
“ Then lets go to that boat,” she said as she pointed to a boat close to them, “ That boat is owned by my neighbor. He is a nice man and he is good at rowing boats.”
The pregnant lady nodded as they climbed on the boat .
“ Its time to go!” said the person who rows the boat.
The group of people inside the boat(including the old lady and the pregnant lady) sat there peacefully for a while. Then there was a huge wave and the whole boat trembled . The old lady wheezed and the pregnant lady said, “ Grandma, are you okay?”
“ Yes , but why is the boat shaking so much? It wasn’t shaking that much before.”
“ Then why don’t they build a bridge here then?”
“ (sigh) Building a bridge here isn’t easy.”
Then there was another huge bump and every one inside whimpered.
Then suddenly a gigantic wave arose before them and it whipped the paddle right out of the rower’s hand.
“ What happened? How come the boat stopped?” asked the old lady
“ I will go and check” said the pregnant lady
The boatman explained what happened. Then he said, “ Now it depends on god. Suddenly, if by magic, a voice said don’t harm cai student . Then the water calmed and everything was normal.

The boatsman asked who’s last name was cai.Then he asked the pregnant lady. She said she was cai but no student. Then he thought for a minute.laughed. The baby she had was the person! 🙂

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