黃曆三月初是中國傳統的清明節。「清明」最初指的是節氣。在我國傳統的曆法中,把一年分成二十四個節氣,用來反映氣候變化和指導農業生產,而「清明」就是其中之一,時間大約在「春分」之後,「穀雨」之前,換算成國曆,約在四月四日或五日。在《淮南子》一書中記載:「清明」是在冬至過後的一百零六日,也是「春分」後的第十五日,這時候萬物潔淨,空氣清新,風景明麗,花卉草木在這樣的環境中呈現出欣欣向榮的景象,所以叫做「清明」,正因為如此,所以深受人們的喜愛。…(轉載 大紀元)
Qingming(清明) is not only one of China’s 24 #solarterms, but also an occasion for Chinese people to honor lost family members.
The solar term Qingming is observed in early April when the temperature begins to rise and rainfall increases. It is also the right time for spring cultivation and sowing. At the same time, Chinese people will visit tombs of their ancestors around Qingming to pay respect to the deceased. Most families will go to cemeteries with offerings, clean up weeds around the tombs and pray for family prosperity.