


One summer day, a boy was seated on a rock, staring into the distance. Two women walk past, and one said,” Poor boy. He is so young, and had already lost his mother.”
The other woman agreed,”This child is such a good boy. ”
“He is a good boy indeed!” the woman said as they walked away.

From the distance the boy’s father called,” Son!”
The child rubbed his eyes and greeted his Father with a hug.
“Are you hungry?” his father asked,” Let’s go home and make our supper.”
“Father, I already cooked it.” he replied.
“You grew up son, you are a very good boy.” his father sighed.
“Father, we should go home and eat!”
“Yes, indeed.”

The sky turned dark and back at their house, the boy said,” I’ll wash the dishes, Father. You should go rest.”
Its was a hot summer night and the boy’s father stood outside fanning himself.
Back in the house, the boy used a fan to cool his father’s bed, and then called him to sleep.

Winter came, and the weather became cold. The boy crawled into his father’s bed and warmed the cold sheets. He then called his father to sleep. When his father settled under the blankets, he realized that it was pleasantly warm.
“Strange,” he said to himself.” In the summer this bed is cold, and in the winter this bed is warm.”
Realization came over him as he saw his boy smile.
“It’s you isn’t it? You’re the one who cooled my bed in the summer and now..” he said, touched.
“Please, Father, don’t get mad, I only wanted you to be comfortable when you are sleeping.” the boy said in a small voice.
But he wasn’t mad, in fact, the opposite.
The boy’s behavior traveled around, and soon everyone knew about it. He then became the role model of everyone.

Translated by Ireen  🙂 😀




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