Come in anticipation of fun 乘興而來


王徽之是東晉時的大書法家王羲之的三兒子,生性高傲,不願受人約束,行為豪放不拘,常到處閒逛。後來,他乾脆辭去官職,隱居在山陰(今紹興),天天遊山玩水,飲酒吟詩。 有一年冬天,天空中皎潔的月光照在白雪上,好如到處盛開著晶瑩耀眼的花朵,潔白美麗。王徽之高興的獨自一人坐在庭院裡喝酒,觀景,吟詩。 忽然,他想起了那個會彈琴作畫的朋友戴逵。於是,他馬上叫僕人備船揮槳,連夜前往。 船兒整整行駛了一夜,拂曉時,終於到了剡溪。可王徽之卻突然要僕人撐船回去。僕人莫名其妙,詫異地問他為什麼不上岸去見戴逵。他淡淡地一笑,說:“我本來是一時興起才來的。如今興致沒有了,當然應該回去,何必一定要見著戴逵呢?”

啟示: 乘興而來 [Cheng Xing Er Lai] 是指憑著興趣濃厚的時候到來,比喻興致勃勃而來。 一向憑著頭腦一熱,乘興而來的人,往往思想不夠沉著,容易感情用事。 “乘興而來” 常與 “敗興而歸” 連用。 對於遠道來參觀的人,我們要仔細講解,親切接待,以免讓人乘興而來,敗興而歸。

Wang HuiZhi, the son of Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher, was impulsive in character. One winter, it snows heavily for many days. One night, it stops snowing. A bright, full moon appears in the sky. Under the clear and bright moonlight, the white snow glistens. Wang HuiZhi looks out his window, and sees the surrounding white world of snow.

“ Wow! What a beautiful scene! It would be more wonderful if there was wine to add the fun! My friend Dai Kui plays the zither so well. What a great pleasure it would be to play the zither, drink, and enjoy the scenery with him!” he said.
Thus, at once, Wang Huizhi tells his servant to prepare a boat for him and left for Dai Kui’s home. The boat moves forward sprightly. Under the moonlight, he sees sparkling ripples on the river. Seeing such a beautiful moon-lit scenery, Wang Huizhi feels as if he’s entered a fairyland. At daybreak, they arrive at Dai Kui’s place.
“Well, let’s go back. ” he told his servant.
“Since you’re already here, why not go visit your fried inside?”
“ I came here due to a whim. It’s daybreak and my whim has been satisfied. There is no need to see Dai kui now.”

“Cheng Xing Er Lai” means to come while still having a strong interest or come in anticipation of fun.

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