
One spring day, a man was on his way home. He opened the door to find his wife cooking.
” Ah! You’re back.” she said.
” Is the rice ready yet?” he asked as he stepped under his warm shelter.
” Yes. Just a few more moments until it’s cooked. But you wash you’re face first.”
” Alright.” he replied as he walked out of the room.
Soon, his wife set the food on the table as everyone sat down.
Their child stared at his food curiously as his grandmother, or in other words, the man’s mother, scooped food from her bowl into the child’s.
” Mother,” began the man’s wife.
” The child is still young. He needs to eat more.” the old woman replied.
” But Mother,” said the man. ” The child is young, he can’t eat that much food.”
” The youngest must eat more for they are young. When they are full, they can grow faster.” she chuckles.
Soon it was night, and the man and his wife strolled outside.
” Mother always gives the child food from her own bowl. She has never been full.” said the woman.
“I know.”he sighed.” Our home has always been poor, and we couldn’t take care of Mother properly, but now she can’t eat well either.”
” Yes, but the child is poor too. He three, but he just looks two. He doesn’t eat good either.”
Then the grandmother spoke up,” What are you guys talking about why are you still awake?”
” Oh, we will go to bed now.” said the man quickly.
Then they went into the house.
” Wait,” said the man.
” What is it?”
” I thought of a solution.”
” What is it?”
” We can.. we can bury the child.”
” I’m sad to, but if the child is gone, mother would be full in every meal.”
” But, isn’t there another way?”
” I thought of that a long time but I only thought of that one plan.”
” Fine. We’ll bury him.” the other said sadly
With heavy hearts, they went out as the wife carried the child and the man dug the hole. Suddenly, he dug something out.
” What is that?” the wife asked.
” I don’t know. It’s a box i think.”
” How could there be?”
” I’ll dig it up a see.”
” Looks like heaven knows we are going to bury the child and they already prepared the grave.”
” How come there is gold in here?” asked the man alarmed.
” My, so much gold, who hid this?”
” I don’t know. Maybe we should tell this to court.”

By Ireen Chau 🙂 😀

Translated by: Ireen Chau

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