



One day, a boy was outside feeding the chickens. Then his father came out the door.
” Father, where are you going?” he asked.
” I’m going to the pond.” he replied.
” I want to go too!”
” No, you’re still too young. When you grow up I’ll take you.”
“Father, I’m not little anymore, I’m already 14, take me, please take me!”
” Fine,you can come.”
” I’ll carry your things.” he said, walking with his father’s stuff
The boy, walking extremely fast, recived a reply from his father.
” Don’t walk too fast boy, you’re going to trip.”
” Ah, Father, walk faster won’t you?!” he chuckled.
Then they set off.
When they arrived, there were many people working in the pond. One said,” Oh isn’t that you, boy? What are you doing here?”
” Well I came with my Father to help him work!” he replied.
” Hey, your kid is so small, why did you make him work with you in the pond?”
” Sir, I wanted to come myself. Besides, I’m growned up already.
” Well, you see that mountain up there, there are tigers up there. Are you scared?”
” Tigers? Really? Are they mean?”
” Of course they’re mean. They eat people too!”
” Sir, what does a tiger look like?” he asked thinking of what a tiger might look like.
” Boy, what are you doing? Aren’t you going to help me work?” asked his father who interrupted his thoughts.
” Oh, I’m coming.” he said to his father. Then turned to the nice man he was talking to,” Thank you very much sir, when I’m done working, you can tell me how a tiger looks like!”
Then he started to work.
” Boy, are you tierd?” asked his father. ” You can go rest.”
” It’s fine Father, I’m not tierd. You should go and rest.”
” This boy,” his father sighed as he continued working.
When the sun started setting, his father said,” I think we should go home boy.”
” Father, we’re not even done yet, how can we go home.”
” But the sky is already dark, we will continue tomorrow.”
” Okay then.”
On their path home, they didn’t realize that a tiger was following their tracks.
” Boy, are you tierd today?” his father asked.
” No, tomorrow I want to go again.”
The suddenly, the tiger jumped in front of them and snatched his father without him knowing.
” Father, what’s that weird creature he asked. But then when he turned around, his father was nowhere in sight. Then he notice that the tiger was running away with his father in his mouth.
” Father!” he cried.
He chased after the tiger.
” No boy, don’t come here, don’t!”
” No! Tiger you let go of my Father!” Then her remembered that the nice man’s words.
“‘ Of course they’re mean. They eat people too!’”
” No! I can’t let this happen! I have to save Father!”
He ran faster.
” Boy! I told you not to come here! Why aren’t you listening to me?!”
Then the boy jumped onto the tigers back.
Then he forced it to let go of his father.
The tiger flung the boy off his back and pounced away. It was to much for the tiger to bear.
Then they have this happy Father and son moment and the tiger ran away.

The End

By Ireen Chau

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