

拔苗助長 【Bá miáo zhù zhǎng】 宋國有個人天天盼他的禾苗能長得快些,於是他一口氣把所有的禾苗往上拔了一節,然而禾苗全都枯死了。  
啟示:拔苗助長-比喻不管事物發展的規律,強求速成,多此一舉的做法反而會把事情弄糟。 在現實生活中,家長們都有“望子成龍”的願望,到孩子們還不能接受太多知識的生理年齡時,家長就用“抢先教育”來要求孩子學這學那,這不但違背了儿童成长的客觀規律,還將造成對孩子們身心上的的双重伤害。

Once there was a farmer in the Song State.He went to see his crops everyday, afraid that his rice shoots wouldn’t grow tall.
” Shoots, grow fast please.” he would say to them.
Two or three days passed, but it seemed that the shoots didn’t grow at all.
” Why don’t they grow taller?!” he would ask impaitiently.
Finally, the farmer becae too impaitient.
” WHY DON’T YOU GROW?!!!” he demanded. ” I’LL HELP YOU GROW THEN!”
Then, he pulled up th rice shoots one by one. He worked from morning to night. He was exhausted. He returned home and lay in bed with inexpressible pleasure.
” The shoots I pulled up must be growing taller by tomorrow.”
he said to himself.
The next day, the farmer ran to his farmland anxiously, to find only a bunch of withered rice shoots.

” Ba Miao Zhu Zhang” refers to ruining something by forcing its development and disregarding its natural course.

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