11) 孔子聖賢之道- 善之陰陽


孔子聖賢之道- 善之陰陽:
何為善惡,凡是有益於人的是善,只利於己的是惡,有益於人就是打人罵人都是善的,只利於己,就是敬人禮人都是惡。 這善也有陰陽之分,凡是善而人知之,則為陽善,為善而人不知,則為陰德。


Confucianism – Good Yin and Yang ( Shan Zhi Yin Yang):
What is good and evil? All good things for people are good. Evil is only favorable to thyselves, because hurting others would not do any benifit to them, so, this is evil. This improvement has yin and yang, good people know it all. The sun is good, and people do not know, because of the hidden virtue.

The scholar knows other people’s experiences, so he gave his exam money to a woman’s family, pretending to be her husband so she wouldn’t have to suffer. He made the storm subside a little, but also saved the woman’s life, the scholar was good without seeking any profit, and had just a thought to help others, such as the judging of the real good deeds, and he people’s hidden virtues are the blessings that are endless!

“I will be going away for a while teacher,” said a young man about to leave,” I will leave soon and come soon.”

“ Okay. But be careful.”

“ Yes teacher”

He and his servant walked along as everybody ran the opposite way they are going. He was humming really loud until his servant said,” Uh sir, why is everyone in a rush?” Then he stopped humming. A man bumped into them and said,” There’s a tiger , a water snake,and a giant! Hurry and run before you lose your liiiifffeeee!!!” his voice trailed of as he ran.
“ Okay sir let’s go the other waaaaayyyyy!!” said the servant running like everyone else.
But then the man said to himself,”humph, It couldn’t be that scary” as he carried his luggage forward.

He kept singing very loud and carrying his things on his shoulders until he heard a low rumbling. Then suddenly, a large tiger sprang out from a bush and roared at him.,” So its not that small! Who’s scared of who?! Ahhhhh!!!!!!” he said as he ran toward the tiger. They fought and fought and the tiger surrendered.

“ Humph! See if you still can hurt people.” the student said as he kept on walking. It started to rain and he came to two paths. Which one should he go to?

“Oh well it’s all the same. I’ll go left.” and so he did.

He walked and walked and came to a bridge. The suddenly, out from the water, a gigantic snake rose up over him and hissed. “ See who’s better then come!” he said as he raised and red cloth. Then suddenly, a flash of lightning struck the snake. It fell dead and turned smaller and smaller and into a size of a worm. “ Oh ,” he said,” I didn’t even start yet and it was so easy!”

Then a few days later he came to a street then suddenly everyone yelled,” AHHHHHHHHHHH! RUN!!!” He looked up a saw a giant. The giant said, “ How dare you block my way! D you know who I am?!!” The man ran up to him and hit him in the stomach with his head. Then out came two people from the “costume.”

“ So you are the ones who frighten people! See if you dare to do it again next time!.”

They all celebrated and congratulated him and lived in peace for the rest of their humble days.

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